It had been three weeks since I was carried out of church like a dead deer. It had been three weeks since I had cussed in front of everyone I had grown to respect and love, just before going back into my "fake"coma. I had a lot to reflect about.
I couldn't shower myself. I couldn't do my hair. I couldn't hardly get dressed. All my cloths were business professional. Somewhere in my closet, we found old yoga pants and a t-shirt that I had from years back. I had an a-line hair cut that I could no longer take care of.
I was one hot mama.
But in all my reflections of the past 3 weeks, something haunted me more than being paralyzed. More than being in a wheelchair. More than not being able to work......
How was I going to be a mom?
My stomach turned with anxiety. I prayed. Okay, praying is an understatement. I cried. I cried heavily to God. And even though my intense crying caused my body to go cataplectic- I kept on talking to Him.
Because as I laid there, trapped in my broken body, and surrounded by so much unknown, I was clear about one thing.... God could hear me.
I begged Him. I wanted Him to heal me. I asked Him questions.
How can I be a good mom? How can I teach my kids?
Then I made my "case" with my list of cant's.
I can't hold them. I can't run with them in the yard. I can't do their hair, or see them off to school each day. I can't help my 2 year old son get a snack or bathe.
I felt sad. I felt confused. I felt ashamed.
And then I felt the only thing I had left.... Faith.
In the past weeks, I had gone through this cycle over and over. Sad, Confused, Ashamed, FAITH.
Having all these emotions at once was new to me, and sometimes, I would cycle between all of the emotions within minutes, multiple times a day.
And then my oldest daughter, Joselyn came to visit me. She sat at the end of my bed. She looked at me. I held her hand. I began to cry.
And then my body fell asleep.
Dang it!!
I wanted to comfort her! I was her mother!!
I wanted to tell her that everything was going to be okay. That I was going to be okay. I wanted to tell her that I would be better soon. That I would be the mother she needed.
But I couldn't.
It felt impossible. How could I hold her when it made me crumble into her arms?
After a few minutes, I woke up and looked into her big brown eyes. Her straight blonde hair was pulled back into a simple pony tail. Another reminder that she was doing her own hair.
I felt the shame, but she interrupted my thoughts.
"Mom.. can I tell you something?"
I looked at her and faintly smiled, secretly afraid that my heart would burst in pain.
" I thought I knew you before...." She looked at me carefully. She placed her small little hand on mine. " But I feel like I really know you now."
I was stunned.
"What do you mean sweetheart?" I asked as my heart leaped and fear began to leave.
"We were always so busy before. But now, when I come into your room, you're here." Her eyes filled up with emotion. "You're not on the phone or in a meeting. I can come and talk to you."
Then she laughed. "Even if you go out (code for "fall asleep") , I know you can hear me!"
A new emotion came into my heart. One I hadn't felt for what seemed like forever. HOPE.
My body fell asleep.
But this time, it didn't bother me.
Because I could HEAR her.
She sat with me. She held my hand. She told me about her day. And as I laid there with my eyes closed, limp and unable to respond, I realized that for today, I was enough.
Because for today, Joselyn needed a Mom who could listen, and I could do that.
She didn't need a mom who could run outside, or do her hair, or look super cute in her fancy cloths. She needed a listening ear.
She needed me.
And I was enough. My HOPE turned into JOY.
Maybe God heard me after all.
I have added in this portion. I often write questions to help me answer so I can sort through my pain, or the emotions that keep me paralyzed. I hope this helps someone.
What is one thing that I can do today that I am not recognizing?
What is the impact of that one skill?
Do I have faith that God can provide for their other needs?
Please keep posting...